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Save time in the kitchen: planning and practical tips with Cook it and Symétrie

Life is fast-paced, it's true. Taking the time to cook healthy, balanced meals can sometimes seem like a daunting task. However, good organization in the kitchen can not only simplify meal preparation, but also allow you to devote more time to what really matters: family, friends, or simply, yourself.

We've joined forces with Cook It, a Quebec-based company that offers ready-to-cook meal boxes with all the fresh ingredients and recipes you need to prepare meals at home, to bring you effective techniques for planning your weekly meals.

Together, we share with you the best ways to transform your culinary routine.

1. Plan your meals around seasonal produce

Meal planning is a simple and effective method every time, which avoids the famous last-minute question: "What's for dinner tonight?". By planning your meals in advance, you know exactly what you're going to prepare each day of the week, and reduce the time you spend shopping.

By opting for seasonal produce, you benefit from the optimal freshness and flavor of ingredients. Cooking with seasonal produce is a great way to vary your diet and encourage more local, responsible consumption. This targeted approach saves time and reduces impulse buying, which can add to the bill.

2. Batch meal preparation: a trick to simplify your week

Batch cooking is the technique of preparing several meals in a single cooking session. By devoting a few hours one day a week to the preparation of several dishes, you can be sure of enjoying healthy, home-cooked meals all week long.

With Cook it's 4-serving family meal kits, ready in less than 30 minutes, this technique becomes child's play. You can say goodbye to evenings spent cooking after a long day at work.

What's more, batch preparation is ideal for optimizing the use of ingredients. By cooking in large quantities, you can use ingredients in their entirety and avoid them getting lost at the bottom of the fridge.

3. Avoid impulse buying

One of the main causes of food waste is impulse buying. By planning your meals and preparing your purchases according to your needs, you can avoid buying products you don't really need. This allows you to consume more responsibly and better manage your food budget.

Having a clear organization of your meals and shopping also helps you better manage the food in your fridge and pantry. By knowing exactly what you have in stock, you can better plan how to use ingredients before they expire. This not only reduces food waste, but also helps you eat fresh, healthy produce.

4. Organize your fridge and pantry

Good organization of your refrigerator and pantry is essential for effective meal planning. Use containers to categorize your food and facilitate access to ingredients. For example, group foods by type (vegetables, meats, dairy products) and use (meals, snacks, lunches).

Label containers with contents and preparation or expiration date. This helps you keep track of what you have and ensures that you consume food before it spoils.

Not sure where to start? We offer free consultations to discuss your needs and guide you to the best solution for you.

Planning your weekly meals, preparing them in batches and organizing your fridge and pantry are simple practices that can transform your culinary routine. Not only do they help you save time and reduce stress, they also promote more responsible, healthier consumption. By adopting these techniques, you can enjoy more efficient cooking, better managed eating, and more free time for the things that really matter.