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Guide to successful spring cleaning

Spring cleaning is an annual tradition that many people look forward to with great enthusiasm. Not only does it provide an opportunity to clean and organize your home, it's also a season of renewal and rebirth. The days get longer and brighter, the weather warms up and the sun starts to come out, and for longer.

It's the perfect way to give your home a thorough cleaning, eliminate unwanted objects and create space for new things.

1 | Having a game plan and a to-do list is essential for successful spring cleaning. By dividing tasks into manageable steps and following your list, you'll be able to focus on each task without feeling overwhelmed. To avoid losing your motivation, you can also plan each day according to the tasks you want to accomplish, and divide them up evenly so that you do a little each day. By taking the time to rest between each cleaning session, you'll be able to recharge your batteries and complete your spring cleaning efficiently and without exhaustion.

2 | Spring is the perfect time to sort through and get rid of everything you no longer need. Start with items that take up space and are no longer of use to you. You can donate them to associations or sell them online.

By using a donate box, a throw away box and a sell box, you'll be able to sort through your stuff more easily and efficiently. This sorting method can help you make quick decisions about what to keep and what to get rid of. It will also help you maximize space in your home while making room for new things. Don't forget that items you don't want to keep may be useful to someone else, so consider giving them away or selling them rather than throwing them in the garbage can.

3 | The arrival of spring is the perfect opportunity to wash all the textiles in your home. Sheets, cushion covers, curtains and carpets can be machine or hand washed according to the washing instructions. Washing home textiles is an essential step towards successful spring cleaning. In addition to making your home cleaner and fresher, this task can also eliminate allergens and unpleasant odors. Don't forget to check the washing labels and follow the instructions to avoid damaging your textiles. Then you can enjoy a clean, comfortable home all spring and summer long.

4 | Clean ALL your surfaces. Cleaning all the surfaces in your home is an important step towards successful spring cleaning. Surfaces like counters, tables, shelves, doors and walls can accumulate dust, dirt and stains over time. By thoroughly cleaning these surfaces, you can eliminate allergens and germs while improving the overall appearance of your home. Use appropriate cleaning products for each surface, and don't forget to clean those often overlooked nooks and crannies.

5 | Organize all your closets. To improve the organization of your closets, we recommend the use of organizing products such as storage bins, baskets, hangers, shoe racks and so on. If your closets are deep, the purchase of a closet storage system is highly recommended to maximize their space. Before arranging your clothes and shoes in an orderly fashion, start by completely emptying your closet so you can visualize all the items you own and decide what you want to keep, donate or throw away. Sorting clothes according to season, color or occasion of use is a great start. For shoes, you can sort by use or season.

6 | Clean windows and mirrors throughout your home. As well as making your home look cleaner and brighter, regular cleaning of these surfaces can help prevent the build-up of dust and dirt. You can use a quality glass cleaner and a soft cloth to gently clean windows and mirrors. Also remember to clean window frames and mirror edges for a flawless finish. If you have hard-to-reach windows, don't hesitate to call in a professional for a thorough cleaning.

7 | This one is very easy. Ventilate your home. While you're cleaning, open the windows to let fresh air into your home. Buy beautiful flowers such as tulips to add color, a touch of freshness and a pleasant spring scent to your home. As well asadding color and freshness to your interior, flowers can also help purify the air in your home. You can also use essential oils or scented candles to add a touch of freshness to your home. By airing your home regularly, you can prevent the build-up of mold and bacteria, improve indoor air quality and enjoy a healthier, more pleasant environment.

8 | Involve the whole family or use a space organization service such as Symétrie. Spring cleaning is a daunting task, so don't hesitate to ask for help. You can arrange for each family member to take on a specific task. If you're short of time or inspiration, Symétrie offers a seasonal rotation service to help you organize your closet, garage, garden shed, outdoor space, and more. We adapt and optimize the organization of a space according to your changing seasonal needs.